Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tell me more!

Ok folks! All the books have gone out and some are starting to come back in. We've had a couple posts but I'd like to see more action. What do you think of Jed and Marina? Do they seem like real people to you or just characters in a book? Also, I hear that other people besides just me are finding it to be an exciting book....I read this book as an adult and found myself really worried about these kids and mad at their parents. What do you think? Do you find it exciting? Why? TELL ME MORE!!!

Mrs. C


Paul Wiech said...


I was wondering, as I keep seeing "GREASY" in this book, if it will at some point refer to Beelson!

Anonymous said...

I always wondered that as well. I never really understood it. I don't think it realated to Beelson. Later on in the book it tends to dissapear.