Sunday, April 29, 2007

Let's Start Blogging...

Well, there are several books out and I want to begin a discussion of the book. You do not have to read the entire book to begin discussing. In fact, after you read a few chapters, I would like to see you put up a reaction! So, get reading and let me know what you think. Mrs. Codner and I will begin responding when we get our first blog! Happy Reading!

Mr. LeVick "The Book Buddha"


Anonymous said...

There are only 4 copies left in the library so I know people should be posting soon. Can't wait to see what you think! Mrs. C.

Chad DeVoe said...

Very the concept. I'm in once I have time to actually read a book.

Anonymous said...

I loved it and i cant wait until we have another book. i couldnt put it down once i got it, and i thought the characters were awesome.-Karen W.

Unknown said...

this book was a very quick read for me and it was so hard to put down. books about "the end of the world" and "armmagedon(sp)" are ones that i always try and read.

Anonymous said...

Hey Groton....stop by the library and remind me who you are so you can get credit.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the book was actually, very interesting. It went slow at first but later, showed two people's views on what they thought of "Armmagedon," or "the end of the world." These characters in the book showed real kids with their parents most of the time. The kids acted like real kids would act. The ending though, after reading the first half of the book was obvious after Jed heard something from his labtop.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the book was actually, very interesting. It went slow at first but later, showed two people's views on what they thought of "Armmagedon," or "the end of the world." These characters in the book showed real kids with their parents most of the time. The kids acted like real kids would act. The ending though, after reading the first half of the book was obvious after Jed heard something from his labtop. ~MB Freshmen